We can supply (or supply & install) a wide range of Victron products:
Most items can be delivered next day.
We can supply (or supply & install) a wide range of Mastervolt products:
Most items can be delivered next day.
All accessories can be purchased separately or as part of a solar package installation (subject to survey)
This Victron Smart Battery Sense is a wireless battery voltage and temperature sensor for Victron MPPT Solar Chargers only.
With voltage and temperature sense in place, batteries will be better charged; improving charging-efficiency and prolonging battery life.
£45 *
*Free installation and setup with any of our installed solar packages
Please follow link to YouTube
Introduce our Smart Battery Sense
The Smart BatteryProtect disconnects the battery from non-essential loads before it is able to discharge completely (which would damage the battery)
£95 Delivered
(Supply price only)
Please follow link to YouTube
Introduce our Smart Battery Protect
The newest precision battery monitor from Victron Energy.
The function of a battery monitor is to calculate ampere-hours consumed and the state of charge of a battery.
Ampere-hours consumed are calculated by integrating the current flowing in or out of the battery.
The BMV-712 comes with shunt, 10 meter display cable and 2 meter battery cable with fuse.
£210 Delivered
(Supply price only)
Please follow link to YouTube
Introduction to the BMV-712 Smart
Bluetooth accessory for our range of inverter/chargers: Multis, MultiPlusses, MultiPlus-II, Quattros,
When installed, use the VictronConnect app to monitor operation and also operate the system: change the input current limit as well as switch between Off, On and Charger-only modes.
Also can be added to a VE.Smart Network to allow communication between compatible Victron devices
£95 Delivered
(Supply price only)
Please follow link to YouTube
The SmartShunt is an all-in-one battery monitor which connects via Bluetooth to the VictronConnect, and uses your smart phone as the display.
The function of a battery monitor is to calculate ampere-hours consumed and the state of charge of a battery.
Ampere-hours consumed are calculated by integrating the current flowing in or out of the battery.
£160 Delivered
(Supply price only)
Please follow link to YouTube
Introduction to the Smart Shunt
Main Features:
This all-new communication-centre allows you to always have perfect control over your system from wherever you are and maximises its performance. Simply connect through your Victron Remote Management (VRM) portal or access directly, using a separate GX Touch 50/7, a MFD or VictronConnect app thanks to its’ added Bluetooth capability.
£350* Delivered
Requirements: Must have a permanent WIFI connection onboard
The new Cerbo GX & Touchscreen
Main Features:
The GX Touch 50/70 is the display accessory for the Cerbo GX. The five or seven inch touch-screen display gives an instant overview of your system and allows you to adjust settings in the blink of an eye.
5" GX Touch 50: £200* Delivered
7" GX Touch 70: £350* Delivered
The new Cerbo GX & Touchscreen
Tiltable to gain maximum solar input. Also allows panels to secure flat to the roof for wind.
High quality laser cut 2mm 304 grade Stainless steel.
Supports panels up to 320w.
Dimensions H 190 x W 240 mm.
8.5 mm slot and arrow to adjust height of panels.
2 x 7 mm and 2 x 8.5mm holes to secure to roof of boat.
10mm hole for securing your panels with a padlock.
Malone Electrical Fixing kit available separately.
No returns unless faulty or damaged.
High quality laser cut 2mm 304 grade Stainless steel.
Supports panels up to 320w.
Dimensions H 190 x W 240 mm.
8.5 mm slot and arrow to adjust height of panels.
2 x 7 mm and 2 x 8.5mm holes to secure to roof of boat.
10mm hole for securing your panels with a padlock
Malone Electrical Fixing kit available separately.
No returns unless faulty or damaged.
Panel to bracket fixing:
Malone Electrical designed configuration including 2 each of Star Knobs, butterfly wing nuts & various washers (all Stainless Steel or nylon) to enable both easy pivot of the panels and tightness when secured flat.
Bracket to roof fixing:
4 x Anti tamper screws
1 x Security Torx bit
Prices subject to change. VAT is inclusive in all prices listed. Rated at Z (0.0%) on energy saving equipment until 2027.
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